
A California Nonprofit Public Benifit Coroporation

"Together We Can Make A Difference"

Deuteronomy 15:11

"For the poor will never cease from the land; therefore I command you, saying, 'You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor and your needy, in your land.

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About Us

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Oceanside, California, Ventura, California Redding, California Ridgecrest, California, United States
"People Helping People" is what we are all about. Homeless Across America works for people who are currently homeless or those about to become homeless.We also help those that have an addiction problem. We recognize that people that have problems with addictions also have problems paying rents. So we free them from the bondage of their addiction then we start working on helping them with their homeless situations. We are advocates, activists and pioneers. We are community-based and FAITH-BASED service providers, who are committed to a single mission. Our common bond is to put an end to homelessness. We are committed to creating the systemic and attitudinal changes necessary to prevent and end homelessness. At the same time, we work to meet the immediate needs of people who are currently experiencing homelessness or those who are at risk of becoming homeless. We also work to help those that have a problem with additions. We take as our first principle of practice that people who are currently experiencing homelessness or about to become homeless must be actively involved in all of the programs that are given to them at their intake meeting.


Homeless situations are often complex and Require help from several agencies. Homeless Across America will maintain strong relationships with public and nonprofit agencies throughout the county and with Churches of all denominations across the county to make the most effective use of the limited resources. We will work jointly with other agencies to meet with our clients needs at all times and give them all access to the resources and services that they may need. Along with other organizations, we are advocates, activist on behalf of the homeless population.

Homeless Across America is forming an alliance with many other organizations in that are willing to come together under one roof that will provide many services to the homeless and the less fortunate. We will be helping those that have an addiction problems. This building will have amenities such a Clinic and a Dentist office along with an in house job/career training School, a temporary long-term and short–term program shelter, resident program rooms for women with children and entire families will be available. A Charitable food bank Ministry dedicated to feeding the hungry. It is our Vision that all services and program providers to the homeless and the less fortunate come together at a one-stop location where people can go and get the help and services they need.

We Need Your Help

Dear Church Friends and
Faith-Based Organizations,

Homeless Across America and Praise Chapel
J.R.A.P.S. (Job Readiness And Preparedness Service),
Hands to Hands
, Emmanuel Schools
Helping Hands, His Love and Truth,
The Bread of Life
and many others are working to find a large commercial building to be used as a year-round shelter and job training center, and a “Safe Parking Lot” with program rooms for men and women with children, rooms for domestic violence victims, and a day-time center. We will also have an in-house clinic and a dentist office – a place for down and out individuals and entire families to call home. At the same “Safe Home” many different programs will be available for them to participate in. These programs will be designed to help them as they begin to rebuild their lives and return back to being productive members of society. Their participation in these programs will be the only way they can receive support and help from Homeless Across America and the alliance partners.

We would like to invite all churches and faith-based organizations to join hands with us and get involved in this project. a temporary short-term and long-term program shelter is exactly what our homeless truly need.

“Together We Can Make A Difference”
in the lives of so many of our homeless, the“hurting” and “needy” and the addicted here in America.

Homeless Across America and all those who have already joined hands with us are very concerned, as we know you are, about the homeless problem here.We are ready to do something about it. All we need is your help and support for this project so we invite you to join hands with us and help us build an even stronger alliance thereby having an even greater impact on our homeless communities.

We would like to see more done than just house the homeless and the less fortunate.

Homeless Across America
and the Alliance Partners have gone over the many programs we will be using at the shelter and at Emmanuel Schools. Everyone is very excited about the programs and we have found we share the same vision: “To help people who want to help themselves and make the changes necessary in their lives to once again become productive and valued members of society.”

Once we find enough churches and faith-based organizations willing to come together as a team in an alliance and make their commitment to this project, “ground breaking” will begin. And, your alliance with Homeless Across America will give you a real voice in the activities, programs and services this project will provide to your homeless community. We have already located a building which could be ideal for this project as it has the capacity to house many ministries and service providers all under one roof.

Homeless Across America is asking all churches and faith-based organizations of all denominations to join hands and become partners with us in an alliance to help get individuals and entire families off the streets, and out from the river bottoms and the hidden camps and wooded areas where they now live by giving them the chance they need to get back on their feet and rebuild their lives.

Homeless Across America to Launch New Programs and Services Across the Country

Homeless Across America is getting ready to launch many new programs and services. An "Alliance" is being formed involving many faith-based organizations and Churches of all denominations, throughout The Country to be able to provide the homeless many locations for services to help the homeless and others in need in our communities obtain the "Hand-Up" they need to get back on their feet and once again become productive members of society.

Homeless Across America is now ready to open.....

Program Shelters...a 100-bed plus 25-guest bed, year round temporary short-term and long-term program shelter, with resident program rooms for women with children, Men with children and entire families.

J.R.A.P.S. (Job Readiness And Preparedness Services)...a free employment service at no cost to the applicant or to the employer. The primary mission is to help the unemployed obtain a job/career and a steady paycheck.

Emmanuel Schools ...is a live-in career training center, that will start out with five different classes designed to help our students train for a career in Security, Cosmetology, Truck Driving, Culinary Arts, and Construction. We will also help our students study and prepare for their G.E.D. and help them apply for the State's exam. And, there are other career classes in the plans to be added soon. Once our students complete the classes they will be employable and able to start a new life with a career.

"A job/career is much more then a paycheck: It is often the foundation from which an individual rebuilds his or her self-respect to become a valued, participating member of society."

A Clothing Store...where people can get a voucher from Homeless Across America or Praise Chapel for men's, woman's, and children clothing for school, work, job interviews and daily wear.

An Emergency Motel Voucher Program... This program is designed to help people that need a safe place to stay for a day or a few days in the case of an emergency like domestic violence, car trouble, fire to the resident home and the like.

A Safe Parking Lot... This will be a safe and legal parking lot people can stay in their own vehicle for a limited time as they look for employment or benefits, without the trouble of being ticketed by law enforcement.

Homeless Across America

believes that Prevention

is the key to ending homelessness.

Introduction to The

Homeless Prevention

Fund Program (HPFP)

As a result of the elimination of some government funding for Homeless Prevention Fund Programs and due to our new policy changes, Homeless Across America has made the decision to develop and provide a community-based Homeless Prevention Fund Program to help fill this void. Homeless Across America will concentrate on the the inter city's as the primary focal point. The Homeless Prevention Fund Program will assist our low and very low-income families, including the homeless.

In order to place the Homeless Prevention Fund Program in relation to other services and agency functions, we will use the assistance of as many other agencies as possible. This process is defined by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development. The process contains seven components: prevention, outreach and assessment, emergency shelter, transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, permanent affordable housing, and supportive services. Homeless Across America will be concentrating on homeless prevention and reacquisition of housing for those who are homeless as well as finding the right building to open a 100+ bed shelter and training center. We will also be working with other agencies and organizations that provide the other components. These other organizations include all of the various service providers.

Our objectives will include being able to provide funds to families for rent arrears and to assist families attempting to secure permanent housing. With the stability of a permanent residence, the children are less likely to move from school to school. They will have a better opportunity to gain the education necessary to escape the cycle of poverty and homelessness.

We intend to serve the maximum number of families possible with the available funds obtained from grants, donations, fund raising and from community support. Homeless Across America and referring agencies will work together to select recipients that best meet the criteria for housing reacquisition and financial stabilization assistance from Homeless Across America.

The referring agencies we will work with collaboratively will include all organizations that wish to participate in this program. We will accept referrals for assistance from pastors, rabbis, priests, and ministers for members of their congregations and also from the service providers. We will not always provide 100% of the funds required to assist a family or individuals. We will seek to leverage our funds through collaboration with other funding sources such as grants, community support, partnerships, fundraisers and with Churches of all denominations and also with local businesses. Thus, by combining funds with other groups, we will extend our funding and be able to assist more families and individuals. We intend to work closely with the referring agencies to make sure that the recipients of this funding have documented and verifiable needs – rental arrears, or a need for security deposits, utility bills in arrears and that they will have the financial resources to pay their rent once they have received financial assistance from Homeless Across America.

This Homeless Prevention Fund Program provides an economic safety net for families and individuals who, for legitimate reasons, are unable to make rental or mortgage payments, deposits or have utility bills that are in arrears. Unfortunately, there are insufficient financial resources available for these families and individuals when they have a financial crisis. Homeless Across America will try to continue to assist these families but our levels of funding are not adequate. What we have now is an absence of a safety net that would serve to keep many needy families and individuals in permanent housing. State programs that support family placement in shelters and motels rather than payment of rental arrears are not the solution to the housing crisis. At triple the cost or more, how can this approach be a better one than funding rental arrears?

Currently, there are families who do not have permanent housing and temporarily reside in motels. We have not made any apparent progress in resolving the homeless crisis in the United States . Each month, additional area families and individuals face the loss of housing due to rental or mortgage arrears, utility bills in arrears or imminent eviction. The Department of Transitional Assistance has documented the many families who need support and financial assistance to maintain their housing or to secure housing. In addition, there are far too many families and individuals housed or looking for housing in shelters.

Program Goals

We anticipate that we will be able to help many families and individuals stay in their current homes or acquire new housing if they are currently homeless.

Evaluating the Success of the Project

We will develop and maintain a database of the clients served and the funds allocated to these clients. All clients will be required to sign a release form that will give Homeless Across America permission to contact them, their landlord and their children’s school system to check on the family every month to see if they are still in permanent housing. We will use proven methodologies employed by Homeless Across America to assess the effectiveness of our financial interventions. At all times, we will respect the confidentiality of our clients.

An article based upon recent studies, written by Dr. Rachel G. Blatt, Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University, indicates that homeless children’s nutrition suffers significantly and affects their mental and physical health. Their ability to sustain friendships is impaired and their self-esteem is adversely affected.

The cost of housing a family in a motel or shelter can be three to six times more expensive than providing that same family with rental arrears assistance. Our program saves money and helps families in many other ways.

Families in permanent housing support our local merchants and have children who do not require extraordinary transportation or special after school programs

Homeless children are victims of an inferior education. They are at-risk of becoming the next generation of under-educated people, unequipped to enter the workforce. The vast majority of children with stable housing and educational continuity will make positive contributions to their communities. They will pay taxes rather than consume state tax dollars. This program offers the children a chance to obtain an education by keeping them in permanent housing.

By joining with us and this program we can TOGETHER help stop many of the possibly newly homeless from ever ending up on the streets .


Homeless Across America works in cities that have a homeless epidemic and forms an alliance with many other organizations willing to come together under one roof and provide many services to the homeless and the less fortunate. By finding a big enough building we will be able to provide a clinic and a dentist office along with an in-house job training school, a temporary short-term and long-term program shelter, with resident program rooms for women with children and entire families. It is our vision that all services and program providers to the homeless and the less fortunate come together at a one-stop location where people can go and get the help and services they need. We at Homeless Across America are ready to help any city in the United States that could use our assistance to prevent and put an end to the homeless EPIDEMIC currently facing our communities throughout America.